Welcome to my your galleries!
I hope you love your photos, I loved shooting them. Here's how to order.
- Click on the Gallery for this year's school photos.
- The password is ALL CAPITAL LETTERS!
- Click on your child’s grade.
- In the photo grid view, click "SELECT PHOTOS" on the top right.
- Select your both child and the group photo, (and whole school with Package A).
- Now click the “BUY” button.
- IMPORTANT: All prices are in US$, therefore, depending on which shopping cart you are directed to, you must set the address to a US address, (including APO). Examples:



- Create your package.
- You will now see the package layout. Drag the photos to the squares to populate your purchase. You can make up any configuration of the photos for your package. Packages B through D are limited to two unique photos. To add a Whole School photo, go to the Groups gallery to add it to your shopping cart.
- Click “ADD TO CART”.
- You can now click on the shopping cart to see your order.
I hope the ordering process is easy. Feel free to drop me an email for help.